We are in the process of providing to our students’ distance learning starting April 6th until the end of the school year for our full-time programs. Our adult only programs which includes Practical Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, and Physical Therapist Assistant have begun offering virtual learning to students. Each teacher will be in contact with students to determine the best way we can offer distance learning via virtually or paper packet. I encourage you to reach out to your teacher if you have not heard from him/her at this time. We will not have any face-to-face full-time programs on our campus for the remainder of the school year. It is vital for you to complete the assignments/lessons your teacher will send you each week to work towards completion of your program and an opportunity to make improvements to your overall grade.
We are uncertain at this time when we would be able to offer any certifications towards your program in our testing center. Please continue to check out website and stay in contact with your teacher for further information.
Please feel free to contact me as well if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you and stay safe!
Jennie Nunn
Assistant Superintendent
Caddo Kiowa Technology Center
PO Box 190
Fort Cobb, OK 73038
(405)-643-3205 office