Student Services

CKTC’s Student Services offers adult and high school students career information and counseling, career planning coordinated between the high school student and their parents, testing and assessment services, group career exploration opportunities, and collaboration with individualized education plans.

The CKTC student services are experts dedicated to helping students accomplish not only academic but also personal goals. We are here to help set goals and eliminate barriers.

All services are student-centered with the purpose of helping students make a smooth transition from high school to tech center to work. Student Services offers the following assistance with enrollment, assessment, remediation and career counseling.


The Career Guidance Program provides career counseling to both adult and high school students in CKTC’s districts. This comprehensive career counseling program offers students career information and counseling, career planning coordinated between the students and their parents, testing and assessment services, group career exploration opportunities, and collaboration with individualized education plans. All services are student-centered with the purpose of helping students make a smooth transition from school to work.

The goal is to assist students in becoming more independent and economically secure. Services provided are intended to support efforts of the student to achieve personal, financial and emotional independence through individual counseling and referral to community and state agencies. Counselors are available to guide students in developing their career plan. Students are encouraged to seek the assistance of these counselors when enrolling and thereafter as needed.

Job Placement

Students who successfully complete their career major will be assisted by Student Services to ensure that the student receives current job openings and assistance with resumes and job readiness training. A special effort is made to aid the student in finding employment in their career field.

Early Care Center

A licensed, three-star Early Care Center for children ages 6 weeks through 12 years is housed on campus. The Center is nationally recognized and accredited. Interested parents must personally confer with the Childcare Coordinator or assistant regarding vacancies. Children will not be accepted on a “drop-in” basis.

A daily rate is charged based on the age of the child and length of stay. Hours are from 7:30am to 4:30pm.

Head Start

Early Head Start is for ages from birth to age 3. Head Start is available to children 3-4 years of age who meet eligibility guidelines. Enroll through the Head Start director in the Early Care Center.

Student ID’s

Students are issued a picture identification badge upon placement in their training program. The badge is to be worn at all times while the student is on campus, attending a CKTC sponsored activity, clinical, internship, work-site learning or riding on CKTC transportation unless instructed by their instructor to remove the badge when operating machinery. Five dollars will be charged to replace a lost badge.

Disability Services for Adult Students

Students who have disabilities, including those with mobility limitations, speech, hearing or sight impairment, previously diagnosed learning or other disabilities covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1990, may receive reasonable educational accommodations. If students wish to request accommodations, that request needs to be processed through the counselor’s office. Records of accommodation activity are kept separate from all admissions activity. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to confer with their counselor and instructor regarding their special educational needs.

To request accommodations, students with disabilities must go directly to the counselor. All disabilities must be verified with current supporting documentation from an appropriate professional (licensed physician, licensed psychologist, approved agency, etc.). Student’s responsibilities may include obtaining psychological/educational/medical testing and providing verifying documents.

Contact CKTC’s counselors for information to document needs and services available. Students are advised to make requests in advance of the beginning of classes. Inquiries about reasonable accommodations for a person with disabilities may be directed to the counselor and instructor.

CKTC is committed to the goal of achieving equal educational opportunities, offering full participation for students with disabilities, and providing assistance that will facilitate students’ independence and academic progress.

Student Insurance

CKTC does not carry insurance covering student accidents and is not liable. Information on school insurance is available for secondary students at their sending school. Adults are responsible for their own accident and health insurance.

Carl D. Perkins Education Act

The Carl D Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act was first authorized by the federal government in 1984 and reauthorized in 1998. Named for Carl D. Perkins, the act aims to increase the quality of technical education within the United States in order the help the economy. On August 12, 2006 President George W. Bush signed into law the re-authorization of the Act of 1998. The new law, the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006, was passed almost unanimously by Congress in late July 2006.

CKTC provides services and resources to our  partner school’s staff and students under Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006. Programs of Study, Academic Integration, and Professional Development are just a few of the available opportunities.